joi, 30 august 2012
Interview with Diana Nixon
Hi Diana! Welcome to my blog!
I:Please tell us something about you and your series Love lines
Diana:Hi everyone! My name is Diana Nixon and I’m from Belarus. I was born in Minsk, where I still live together with my husband and my little daughter. I’m a lawyer by profession, though about a year ago I also added writing to my everyday routine:) I like reading and I can’t imagine my day without a good book in my hands. I’m an incorrigible optimist, I like making people smile and I like when someone else makes me smile too. I start my mornings with a big cup of coffee and I end up my days watching a good movie or reading another popular story. I write fantasy novels for young-adults and now I’m working on my Love lines series. Its first book was published in March, 29 in the US, but now it’s also available in the UK, Spain, Italy, Germany, France and India. It has two editions, in English and Russian languages. Its third, gift edition is about to come out in September. Love lines series will consist of five novels and one short story.
I:How did the story come into your mind?
Diana: One day I woke up with the idea of writing a book and as I liked fantasy myself I wanted to write something of the same genre. I didn’t draw any plan of my book, I knew the title and the names of my principal characters. All the details came on the run:) When I wrote the last sentence of my first book, I liked the result and decided to publish my work. Usually I write most of my dialogs in my head, I can be busy with some everyday stuff and come up with something new for my stories, I rush to my laptop and make some notes so not to forget everything:)
I: When did you decide to become a writer?
Diana:I wrote my debut novel about a year ago. I’ve never thought of becoming a writer, but as it turns out, I really like writing. It makes me happy and I enjoy every second, spent with my characters.
I: Tell us something about the sequel? When do you thing it will be out?
Diana:Well, as I have already mentioned, the first book of the Love lines series is available on all the Amazon e-stores, both in a Paperback and Kindle formats. I’m working on my second book, named Songs of the wind and I’m planning to publish it in a few months. As soon as I’m ready to publish a sequel from that book, I’ll post in on one of my Internet pages. I hope it will happen soon:)
I:Who inspires you?
Diana:My life is my inspiration. I get ideas for my books from everything I see every day: my family, my friends, and even my fans, who sometimes say what they would like to see in my stories.
I:Which is your favorite book?
Diana:I don’t have one:) There are many books I like, but I can’t name any of them of my favorites.
I: Which is your favorite author?
Diana: I like Richalle Mead, Abby Glines, Becca Fitzpatrick, Jeniifer L. Armentrout, Wendy Higgins and many others. All of their books are amazing in their own way, and it’s really hard to choose one name:)
I:Which is your favorite quote?
Diana:My favorite quote was used in my first book. Helen Keller once said: “The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched. They must be felt with the heart”.
I: What do you thing about Romania?
Diana:I’ve never been to Romania, but I heard a lot of good things about your country and your people. Maybe one day I’ll go there to meet my fans:)
I:Anything else you want to share with your Roumanians readers?
Diana:I really hope that you will enjoy reading my books, as this is the best reward for every author. I also wish you all good luck with everything you want to get in your life. Don’t forget that the sky is the limit, never give up, love and be loved.
Thank you Diana for this interview!
Information about Diana:
Official page -
Where you can buy her books -
Goodreads page -
Facebook page -
miercuri, 29 august 2012
Review Creatura by Nely Cab
When seventeen year-old Isis Martin is having trouble sleeping due to perturbing dreams of a horrific growling beast, she decides to confront her fear. But what Isis discovers is something other than a menacing entity.The human-like creature offers Isis assurance that he is not a figment of her imagination. Unwilling to accept his avowal, Isis sets his words to contest by asking the entity to prove himself - a dare, he readily welcomes.It is in her dreams that Isis innocently stumbles upon the silent existence of the divine lineage of those that man has long forgotten.In a quaint town, deep in south Texas, this story leads Isis onto the path of impermissible love and captivating life-changing truths. Ultimately, Isis discovers that this chapter in her life is only the beginning
Isis is a lovely young girl ,she is honest loving friendly and innocent.She loves her mother respect her and has a good relationship with her.She fell in love with David but
but she knows she can't be together with him because he is immortal but David break the rules to be with her,sacrificing himself to be with her.
David is a lovely man, gorgeus brilliant respectful and loving is everything that any girl want in a guy.David is perfect for Isis because he adores her and lives for her.
I definitely fell head over heels in love with David and his poems <3 .="." br="br"> The realtionship beetween the main characters is beautiful because they love each other so much,they had fun toghether ,support each other and help each other.I think they are soul mate.
This book was wonderful.I can't wait until the next book.
Thanks again Nely for this ebook.
marți, 28 august 2012
luni, 27 august 2012
Books 2013
Your strength in heart and hand will fall. . . .
Ellie knows that the darkest moments are still to come, and she has everything to fight for:
She must fight for Will.
The demonic have resorted to their cruelest weapons to put Will in mortal danger, and Ellie makes an unlikely alliance to save him and to stop Lilith and Sammael, who seek to drown the world in blood and tear a hole into Heaven.
She must fight for humanity.
As the armies of Hell rise and gather for the looming End of Days, Ellie and her band of allies travel to the world’s darkest and most ancient regions in her quest to come into her full glory as the archangel Gabriel.
And Ellie must save herself.
Her humanity withers beneath the weight of her cold archangel power, but Ellie must hold tight to who she is and who she loves as she prepares for the ultimate battle for Heaven and Earth.
In the thrilling second installment of the Tempest series, the world hangs in the balance as a lovelorn Jackson must choose who to save
Jackson Meyer has thrown himself into his role as an agent for Tempest, the shadowy division of the CIA that handles all time-travel-related threats. Despite his heartbreak at losing the love of his life, Jackson has proved himself to be an excellent agent. However, after an accidental run in with Holly—the girl he altered history to save—Jackson is once again reminded of what he's lost. And when Eyewall, an opposing division of the CIA, emerges, Jackson and his fellow agents not only find themselves under attack, but Jackson begins to discover that the world around him has changed and someone knows about his erased relationship with Holly, putting both their lives at risk all over again.
sâmbătă, 25 august 2012
Update Foreign Books Challenge
Deci cum v-am spus si in postarea trecuta urmatoarele 5 carti voi le alegeti deci va multumesc pentru comentarii dar unele carti alese de voi se repeta si pe alte bloguri si nu are sens sa propunem acelasi carti cand sunt atatea carti minunate care merita publicate in Romania deci voi alege eu inca 4 si una aleasa de voi
6)Firelight de Sophie Jordan
7)Angelfire by Moulton Courtney Alisson
8)Forever Bound by Thea Harrison
9)Tempest by Julie Cross
10)Haven by Kristi Cook
6)Firelight de Sophie Jordan
7)Angelfire by Moulton Courtney Alisson
8)Forever Bound by Thea Harrison
9)Tempest by Julie Cross
10)Haven by Kristi Cook
vineri, 24 august 2012
Recenzie In My Dreams by Cameo Renae
Se intampla din nou.Visele .Cosmarurile.Elizabeth " Lizzy" Hayes o tanara de 17 ani a crezut ca depasit cosmarurile in care vedea cum oameni mor.De data aceasta ,ea il viseaza pe iubitul ei Michael Young si descopera mai eate mort.
Michel nu a si-a gasit linistea pentru ca a fost ucis si acum criminalul lui vine dupa Lizzy.El find un nocice in lumea spiritelor cel mai usor mod de a comunica cu Lizzy este prin visele ei.Cand viseaza este ca si cum Michel nu ar fi murit.
Lizzy va trebui sa suprevietuiasca unor evenimente ingrozitoare.In timp ce Michael invata despre darul sau supranatural in lumea sa pentru a o salva pe Lizzy.
Dar oare va fi indeajuns pentru a o salva?
In primul rand coperta este minunata.
Elizabeth (Lizzy) este o fata putenica ,luptatoare ,loiala si iubitoare.Ea nu isi poate imagina viata fara iubitul ei Michael si prietenul ei cel mai bun.Este iubitul perfect ,mereu alaturi de ea ,protector dulce si iubitor este sufletul ei pereche cel care o completeaza si o cunoaste cel mai bine.Dar din nefericire Michael moare dar chiar si dupa moarte Michael nu o paraseste aparandu-i in vise si protejandu-o demostrandu-i ca nici macar moarte nu-i poate desparti.El prin visele el o salveaza de pericol si ii da puterea sa mearga mai departe, iubindu-o chiar si dupa moarte.
Michael este un baiat cu o inima imensa si cu o putere de a iubi uimitoare.El nu si-a putut gasi linistea pana nu stiut-o pe Lizzy inafara oricarui pericol.
In cazul lor iubirea lor invinge chiar si moartea dandu-le ocazia sa incerce lucruri noi in vise si sa isi i-a ramas bun ferciti .
Aceasta carte merita citita pentru ca ne face sa credem in dragostea adevarata si in puterea iubiri
Exista o campanie de publicare a carti in Romania pe blogul Ratacitori in lumea viselor Link
Va rog sa sustineti campania pentru ca este o carte minunata.
Thank you Cameo Renae for this wonderful ebook.
Foreign Books Challenge
“Ce ziceti de un proiect pe mai multe bloguri care sa se numeasca: “Foreign Books Challenge”? M-am gandit ca blogurile care vor sa participe sa selecteze cate 10 carti din strainatate a caror drepturi sa nu fi fost achizitonate in Romania. Perioada de desfasurare o vom stabili ulterior in functie de numarul blogurilor participante. Putem convinge astfel editurile din Romania sa achizitioneze cele trei carti finaliste. Va place ideea?”
Scopul proiectului:
Proiectul are scopul de a atrage atentia editurilor asupra gusturilor in materie de literatura a cititorilor din Romania. Mi-am propus ca in cele cateva luni in care se va organiza proiectul sa facem impreuna o adevarata munca de redactie. Cele mai interesante, captivante si frumoase carti vor fi alese de voi cititorii blogurilor participante si de administratorii acestor bloguri. Doar voi puteti decide care este cea mai asteptata carte in Romania!
Detalii despre desfasurare:
Perioada: 18.08.2012 – TBA
In aceasta saptamana si in urmatoarea, vor incepe simultan pe 5 bloguri propuneri pentru lista de 10 carti. Cinci dintre cele 10 carti vor fi alese de administratorul blogului, urmand ca celelalte cinci sa fie alese de comentatorii blogului (primele cinci recomandari de carti printr-un comentariu – cele anonime nu se iau in considerare). Daca nu comenteaza nimeni, asta e. Adminsitratorul alege toate cartile.
Initial,m-am gandit ca preselectiile sa dureze 4 saptamani,dar trebuie sa fie un proiect interesant si frapant asa ca va voi ruga ca in doua zile sa incercati sa alegeti 10 carti.
Etapa II – GALELE:
In functie de numarul de carti voi stabili si numarul galelor. Teoretic ar trebui sa se stranga 240 de carti, dar sunt sigur ca unele se vor repeta. Ca principiu, cu fiecare gala veti putea vota favoritele voastre pe care sa le treceti in urmatoarea gala. De la gala la gala, numarul cartilor se vor injumatati, dar veti avea ocazia sa salvati cateva de la eliminare
Ultima gala se va numi – Booktip si va dura 2 saptamani. In aceste doua saptamani veti face recenzii, interviuri, concursuri, posturi cu cartile favorite/ autorii cartilor favorite. (nu e obligatoriu!)
Toate cartile ajunse in semifinale vor primi cel putin cate trei recenzii. De asemenea, vom posta si recenziile pozitive/ negative ale acestor carti de pe siteul Goodreads.
Etapa IV – FINALA:
O singura carte castiga, dar ambele carti ajunse in finala vor fi aduse in atentia editurilor din Romania.
Articolul este preluat de pe blogul Heaven4books.
Deci eu voi propune primele 5 carti iar voi urmatoarele 5 deci comentati:
Propunerile mele:
1)Slave to Sensation (Psy-Changeling #1) by Nalini Singh
2)Angels' Blood (Guild Hunter, #1) by Nalini Singh
3)Exodo de Anissa B Damom
4)Gabriel's Inferno by Sylvain Reynard
5)Anna and the French Kiss by Stephanie Perkins
miercuri, 22 august 2012
luni, 20 august 2012
Blog tour Hollowed
Welcome Kelley to my blog!
Interview with Kelley York
1. Please tell us something about your book and you.
My name is Kelley, though I'll forgive you if you forget the extra E because it happens all the time. I live in Sacramento, California. HOLLOWED is the first book in a (hopefully long and prosperous) series called HALF LIGHT.
2. Why did you decide to write about vampires?
It wasn't so much that I decided to write about vampires. But Briar's story just so happens to involve them, much in the way future protagonists in the HALF LIGHT series will focus more around other creatures—such as shape-shifters and witches. Briar's story was told first because, chronologically speaking, it takes place first.
3. Do you need some background when you write?
I'm assuming you mean background noise? It all depends. If I'm home alone and the house is silent, I prefer to enjoy the quiet and let my brain think without distraction. If there's too much noise in the house/going on around me, I'll put on music in order to drown it out.
4. Please describe us your perfect day.
DISNEYLAND! Yes, I'm serious. Disneyland, and a beach. With dolphins. And seals. And wolves. Do wolves go on the beach? I don't know. But it's my perfect day so I can have what I want.
5. If you could include one of your favorite fictional characters into Briar's world who would it be and why?
Ohh, that's a good question. Maybe Howl from HOWL'S MOVING CASTLE. He's a wizard, and it would be hilarious to watch him interact with someone like Noah or Oliver. He'd drive them all crazy.
Guest post about Briar and Noah:
What can I say about Briar and Noah? I'll try not to spoil the book. They meet and begin dating before the story starts. Noah is a funny, nice, kind of dorky guy...but he has this air of mystery about him. He comes and goes often because of "work," but he never tells Briar what his work entails.
They have a sweet relationship, too. It's simple and raw...but not always honest. There were a lot of secrets, a lot of things unsaid on both sides. It was attraction at first sight but, at the same time, I think Noah spent their year-long relationship keeping Briar at arm's length because of some bad past relationships. They don't really, truly get to understand one another until the events of the book. Even then, maybe they still aren't quite there by the end of it.
I really wanted a unique, different sort of relationship than a lot of YA portrays. I wanted a good romance, but I didn't want it to be what the entire story orbited around. I didn't want a girl who would drop everything for the guy she loves no matter how shitty he treats her. Briar knows her priorities, even if it isn't always easy to make the choices she makes. I wanted a couple who have problems they need to work through, and show that sometimes love isn't enough if two people are in different places in their life and have their own issues to work through. Sometimes, you have to do a lot of work on yourself before you're ready to commit to someone else.
But don't worry: Briar and Noah will be back in later books. I look forward to sharing more of their journey.
All 18-year-old Briar Greyson wanted was to figure out this whole living-away-from-your-parents thing. Apartment, steady job, cool roommate? Check. Noah, her adorable (albeit elusive) boyfriend? Check. Everything in the life of Briar was pretty good.
Then she and her roommate are attacked on their way home one night. Briar wasn't supposed to survive.
Instead, according to the two guys who saved her, she's turning into the things that attacked her: a vampire. Totally crazy and Not Okay. Now Noah's secrets are coming to light, and he wants Briar dead. Then there are the vampires who attacked Briar to lure out her sister.
Her sister...who died years ago.
(Didn't she?)
The city's body count is rising, and Briar wants to help put a stop to it. But first, she has to figure out who the real enemy is: the vampires, the boy she loves, or the sister she thought she'd lost
Thank you Kelley for stopping today on my blog!!
Interview with Kelley York
1. Please tell us something about your book and you.
My name is Kelley, though I'll forgive you if you forget the extra E because it happens all the time. I live in Sacramento, California. HOLLOWED is the first book in a (hopefully long and prosperous) series called HALF LIGHT.
2. Why did you decide to write about vampires?
It wasn't so much that I decided to write about vampires. But Briar's story just so happens to involve them, much in the way future protagonists in the HALF LIGHT series will focus more around other creatures—such as shape-shifters and witches. Briar's story was told first because, chronologically speaking, it takes place first.
3. Do you need some background when you write?
I'm assuming you mean background noise? It all depends. If I'm home alone and the house is silent, I prefer to enjoy the quiet and let my brain think without distraction. If there's too much noise in the house/going on around me, I'll put on music in order to drown it out.
4. Please describe us your perfect day.
DISNEYLAND! Yes, I'm serious. Disneyland, and a beach. With dolphins. And seals. And wolves. Do wolves go on the beach? I don't know. But it's my perfect day so I can have what I want.
5. If you could include one of your favorite fictional characters into Briar's world who would it be and why?
Ohh, that's a good question. Maybe Howl from HOWL'S MOVING CASTLE. He's a wizard, and it would be hilarious to watch him interact with someone like Noah or Oliver. He'd drive them all crazy.
Guest post about Briar and Noah:
What can I say about Briar and Noah? I'll try not to spoil the book. They meet and begin dating before the story starts. Noah is a funny, nice, kind of dorky guy...but he has this air of mystery about him. He comes and goes often because of "work," but he never tells Briar what his work entails.
They have a sweet relationship, too. It's simple and raw...but not always honest. There were a lot of secrets, a lot of things unsaid on both sides. It was attraction at first sight but, at the same time, I think Noah spent their year-long relationship keeping Briar at arm's length because of some bad past relationships. They don't really, truly get to understand one another until the events of the book. Even then, maybe they still aren't quite there by the end of it.
I really wanted a unique, different sort of relationship than a lot of YA portrays. I wanted a good romance, but I didn't want it to be what the entire story orbited around. I didn't want a girl who would drop everything for the guy she loves no matter how shitty he treats her. Briar knows her priorities, even if it isn't always easy to make the choices she makes. I wanted a couple who have problems they need to work through, and show that sometimes love isn't enough if two people are in different places in their life and have their own issues to work through. Sometimes, you have to do a lot of work on yourself before you're ready to commit to someone else.
But don't worry: Briar and Noah will be back in later books. I look forward to sharing more of their journey.
All 18-year-old Briar Greyson wanted was to figure out this whole living-away-from-your-parents thing. Apartment, steady job, cool roommate? Check. Noah, her adorable (albeit elusive) boyfriend? Check. Everything in the life of Briar was pretty good.
Then she and her roommate are attacked on their way home one night. Briar wasn't supposed to survive.
Instead, according to the two guys who saved her, she's turning into the things that attacked her: a vampire. Totally crazy and Not Okay. Now Noah's secrets are coming to light, and he wants Briar dead. Then there are the vampires who attacked Briar to lure out her sister.
Her sister...who died years ago.
(Didn't she?)
The city's body count is rising, and Briar wants to help put a stop to it. But first, she has to figure out who the real enemy is: the vampires, the boy she loves, or the sister she thought she'd lost
Thank you Kelley for stopping today on my blog!!
duminică, 19 august 2012
vineri, 17 august 2012
Mintea mea am raspuns uitandu-ma in gol.Mi-e frica sa nu-mi pierd mintea pentru ca ceea ce simt pentru o persoana este singurul lucru pe care il pot controla.Am acceptat ca nu pot forta pe nimeni sa ma iubeasca.Nu l-am putut forta pe tatal meu sa nu plece .Niciodata nu o sa o pot face pe mama sa inteleaga ca o iubesc mai mult decat Jeff si nu am putut sa o oblig pe sora mea sa ma iubeasca mai mult decat il iubeste pe Ashe.Mi-am sters lacrimile hotarata si nu m-am uitat la Harry .Chiar daca Isaac nu ma va mai iubi as vrea sa-l iubesc cat de mult timp pot.
(Kindred Adria)
miercuri, 15 august 2012
Review Hollowed
All 18-year-old Briar Greyson wanted was to figure out this whole living-away-from-your-parents thing. Apartment, steady job, cool roommate? Check. Noah, her adorable (albeit elusive) boyfriend? Check. Everything in the life of Briar was pretty good.
Then she and her roommate are attacked on their way home one night. Briar wasn't supposed to survive.
Instead, according to the two guys who saved her, she's turning into the things that attacked her: a vampire. Totally crazy and Not Okay. Now Noah's secrets are coming to light, and he wants Briar dead. Then there are the vampires who attacked Briar to lure out her sister.
Her sister...who died years ago.
(Didn't she?)
The city's body count is rising, and Briar wants to help put a stop to it. But first, she has to figure out who the real enemy is: the vampires, the boy she loves, or the sister she thought she'd lost
The cover is amazing.
Briar is a girl with a strong personality naive,kind friendly and beautiful.She has a perfect life ,a perfect boyfriend, friends and a wonderful family until she become a vampire and she lose everything.
Noah is her boyfriend ,he is funny friendly and perfect for her but he change when he find out that Briar is a vampire and he wants her dead.But even if Briar is a vampire ,he believe in her to be a good person.
The relationship between the main characters is very difficult because she is a newborn vampire and Noah is a vampire hunter but they love each other and he is always there for her.
Briar in his new life has a new three friends Cole Daniel and Oliver and they save fher and protect her.Daniel is a sweet boy ,a good friend and funny.Oliver is very serious but a good friend.Oliver understands and help her.
Ebook provided by author Kelley York.Thanks Kelley :)
Blog tour:
August 15: Shortie Says
August 16: Imaginary Reads | Sam the Bookaholic
August 17: Books Complete Me
August 18: Young Readers at Home
August 19: A Book and a Writing Blog | Roro is Reading
August 20: Aripi Pentru a Visa | Nomalicious Reads
August 21: writer’s write, right?
August 22: Book Whales YA Reviews
August 23: Step into Fiction | Paper Cuts
August 24: BookPics
August 25: Book Loving Mom | Have Book. Will Read.
August 26: Slaying Books | Mr. Book Wonder
August 27: Reading in the Corner
August 28: Read Between the Lines
August 29: YA Book Addict
August 30: The Scribbler in the Rye | Nick’s Book Blog
August 31: Beyond the Hourglass Bridge
marți, 14 august 2012
duminică, 12 august 2012
Recenzie Kindred de J.A. Redmerski
Isaac Mayfair ascunde un secret intunecat.Si cand Adria Dawson crede ca tot ceea ce e mai mai in lumea varcolacilor ea invata ca secretele pot sa-i desparta.Ea trebuie sa realizeza ceea ce insemna adevarul pentru ea si pentru viata ei si cat timp i-a mai ramas.Adria trebuie sa aleaga intre 2 destine dar niciunul nu poate oferi siguranta ca va trai...
Ca si cum tradarea lui Isaac nu ar fi deajuns Adria invata ca exista fiinte mai puternice si mai vechi decat varcolaci cunoscute sub numele de Praverian.Si trebuie sa afle de ce sunt interesanti de ea si cum sa se fereasca de ei
Kindred este continuarea carti The Mayfair Moon.
Isaac in aceasta carte este iubitor atent si mai protector cu Adria.De asemeea ne dovedeste ca este in stare de orice pentru persoana pe care o iubeste chiar si sa isi riste viata...
Isaac este alaturi de Adria in fiecare moment si ii arata ca o iubeste dandu-i puterea sa aleaga intre cele doua destine chiar daca el nu este de accord.
Adria in acesta carte este nesigura si se teme de ea insusi si pastreaza foarte multe secrete de Isaac chiar daca stie ca el o iubeste mai presus de orice.In aceasta carte Adria devine mai puternica lasandu-si in urma trecutul si privind spre viitor pe care o asteapta impreuna cu Isaac de asemeea realizeaza ceea ce este mai important pentru ea si pentru care merita sa lupti cu toate puterile...4
J.A. Redmerski a pus pe site ei oficial poza asra cu frati Mayfair
Va urma cartea Balada Aramei care va aparea in strainate in 10 noiembrie 2012
vineri, 10 august 2012
joi, 9 august 2012
marți, 7 august 2012
Teaser Opal de Jennifer Armentrout
I smiled.
His arm tightened as the beat picked up and so did my movements. “I think I like this.”
All around us, bodies were slick and shiny with sweat, as if they’d been caught by fairies and been dancing for years. That’s the thing about places like this—you get caught up and hours go by, but they feel like long minutes.
He spun me back to him and I was on the tips of my boots, facing him, his head lowered, forehead pressed against mine, lips brushing. A rush of power went through Daemon, transferring to my skin, and in the flashing lights, we were lost in this world. Our bodies undulated with the beat, fitting together fluidly while others seemed to thrash beside us, never able to find the right sync.
It felt like it was only us on the dance floor and when his lips pressed more firmly against mine, I opened up, not losing the rhythm even though he was stealing my breath. My—our—hearts were pounding, hands grabbing, clutching, slipping over the curve of my back, and behind my lids, I saw a pinprick of white light.
Sliding my hands across his cheek, I kissed him back. Static flowed, cascading off our bodies in streams of reddish-white light that was hidden under the flickering strobe lights, flowing over the floor like a wave of electricity. And all around us, people danced, either oblivious to the shocks or fueled by them, but I didn’t care. His hands were on my hips, tugging me closer and we were so gonna end up like one of those ambiguous couples in the hallway.
sâmbătă, 4 august 2012
Blog tour stop Need
Interview with Author Sherry Hayes
Welcome Sherry!
"Please tell us something about you and your book?
I’m thirty-five years old, and live with my husband and three cats in Ohio. My mother fostered my love for books at a young age by reading to me as a child, so I’ve always loved reading. Once I entered my teen years, my reading choices drifted toward romance with the occasional mystery. Although stories have been floating around in my head for as long as I can remember, I never had the desire to write them down growing up. Now, it’s become a creative outlet that allows me to explore a wide range of emotions while having fun taking my characters through all the twists and turns I create.
Need is a continuation of my Finding Anna Series. It picks up right after Slave leaves off, so readers should really read that first in order to understand everything that’s going on in the second book. In Need, Brianna finds herself with a big decision to make. She has to decide if she will stay or leave, and whether or not she wants a relationship with Stephan. It’s another emotional journey for these two.
What are your current literary works?
I currently have four published novels.
My debut novel, Hidden Threat, is a romantic suspense story centered around Matthew Andersen and Cali Stanton. She comes home to run the family business only to find out someone within the company is trying to destroy it and her father. She and Matthew must work together to figure out who the mole is before it’s too late, while trying to fight their growing feelings for each other.
I have another romantic suspense novel that is the first in a series about four brothers. Each brother will have his own book for him and his lady. The first book in that series, Behind Closed Doors, is currently available and tells the story of Chris and Elizabeth. The second book, Red Zone, is due out early next year.
Slave is the first book in my Finding Anna Series. It begins the journey of Stephan and Brianna, a young woman who was an unwilling slave. Although Stephan rescues her from the nightmare she was in, being taken out of a situation doesn’t make it all go away. Brianna has a lot of issues to deal with from her time as a slave, but Stephan is determined to help her. Their story will be told over four books. The second book, Need, was released July 2012.
Which is your favorite book and movie?
My favorite book is Voyager by Diana Gabaldon. Favorite movie is a little harder to pin down. I love romantic movies like The Notebook, but romantic comedies have to be my favorite. I love movies like 27 Dresses and Ten Things I Hate About You.
Why did you decide to write about this type the relationship BDSM?
The level of trust and communication in healthy BDSM relationships fascinated me. I wanted to explore that.
What can readers look forward to next from you?
Red Zone, the second book in my Daniels Brother Series, should be out the first part of next year. The story revolves around Gage Daniels, a professional football player, and an FBI agent. I had a blast writing the story, and I’m looking forward to sharing it with readers the first part of next year.
I’m also currently writing the next installment of my Finding Anna Series. There is still a lot of Stephan and Brianna’s story left to tell.
Please tell us something funny about your books.
This actually has to do with my upcoming story Red Zone. One night as it was nearing time to go to bed, I had this feeling that I needed to find out what happened next. I was reading a book on my Kindle at the time, so I pulled it up and began reading where I’d left off. Unfortunately, the couple in the book wasn’t whose story I wanted to finish reading. It was Gage and Rebecca’s from Red Zone. Only one problem…I hadn’t written it yet.
What is your ideal day as an author?
I try to be at my desk by no later than seven thirty. Check my e-mail and other social networking sites. After that, it depends on what it on tap for the day whether that be writing, editing, answering questions to an interview, or writing a guest blog post. When I’m writing, I tend to try to work in 500 block increments. In between the blocks, I will either take a walk, do some housework, or if I’m feeling lazy that day, go lay on the couch and read for a while.
Anything else you want to share with readers?
Thank you to everyone who has taken the time to check out my books. I hope you all enjoy reading the stories that float around in my head.
Thanks to Sherry Hayes for answers my guestions and to stop today on my blog.
My review is here:
Teaser Onyx
“Whatever, Kitten.” Daemon gripped my hips, lifting me onto the edge of the desk with an ease that was disturbing. “I know better.”
My breath was coming in short gasps. “You don’t know anything.”
“Uh huh. You know, I was worried about you,” he admitted, moving forward, easing my legs apart. “You kept calling out my name, and I kept answering, but it was like you couldn’t hear me.”
What were we talking about? My hands were on his lower stomach. His muscles were hard underneath the sweater. I slid my hands to his sides, totally meaning to push him away. Instead, I gripped
and pulled him forward. “Wow, I must’ve been really out of it.”
“It…scared me.”
Before I could respond or even give thought to the fact that my sickness actually scared him, our lips met. My brain clicked off as my fingers dug through his sweater, and…and oh, God, his kisses were deep, scorching my lips as his hands tightened on my waist, pulling me against him. Daemon kissed like he was a man starving for water, taking long, breathless drafts. His teeth caught my lower lip when he pulled away, only to come back for more. A heady mix of emotions warred inside me. I didn’t want this, because it was just the connection between us. I kept telling myself that, even as I slid my hands up his chest and circled them around his neck. When his hands inched under my shirt, it was as though he reached deep inside me, warming every cell, filling every dark space within me with the heat from his skin.
Touching him, kissing him, was like having a fever all over again. I was on fire. My body burned. The world burned. Sparks flew. Against his mouth, I moaned.
There was a POP! and CRACK!
The smell of burned plastic filled the cubicle. We pulled apart, breathing heavily. Over his shoulder I saw thin strips of smoke wafting from the top of the ancient monitor. Good God, was this going to happen every time we kissed?
Mor de nerabdare sa citesc Onyx!!!
vineri, 3 august 2012
miercuri, 1 august 2012
Ce am citit in luna Iulie
Need (Finding Anna #2)by Sherri Hayes
October Breezes (October Breezes)by Maria Rachel Hooley
Summer Sunsets (October Breezes) by Maria Rachel Hooley
Temptation (Temptation #1) by Karen Ann Hopkins
Under the Never Sky (Under the Never Sky #1)by Veronica Rossi
Gift by Andrea J. Buchanan
Tempest (Tempest, #1) by Julie Cross
Easy by Tammara Webber
Midnight City (The Conquered Earth, #1) by J. Barton Mitchell
Everneath (Everneath, #1) by Brodi Ashton
Inescapable (The Premonition, #1) by Amy A. Bartol
Intuition (The Premonition, #2) by Amy A. Bartol
Indebted (The Premonition, #3) by Amy A. Bartol
The Mayfair Moon (The Darkwoods Trilogy, #1)
Kindred (The Darkwoods Trilogy, #2) by J.A. Redmerski
Cartea mea prefera pe care am citit-o in aceasta luna este Tempest by Julie Cross.
Acum citesc Hollowed by Kelley York.
Am adaugat o noua sectiune la blog prin care va spun ce am citit in fiecare luna ,cartea preferata din accea luna si ce citesc momentan.
Need (Finding Anna #2)by Sherri Hayes
October Breezes (October Breezes)by Maria Rachel Hooley
Summer Sunsets (October Breezes) by Maria Rachel Hooley
Temptation (Temptation #1) by Karen Ann Hopkins
Under the Never Sky (Under the Never Sky #1)by Veronica Rossi
Gift by Andrea J. Buchanan
Tempest (Tempest, #1) by Julie Cross
Easy by Tammara Webber
Midnight City (The Conquered Earth, #1) by J. Barton Mitchell
Everneath (Everneath, #1) by Brodi Ashton
Inescapable (The Premonition, #1) by Amy A. Bartol
Intuition (The Premonition, #2) by Amy A. Bartol
Indebted (The Premonition, #3) by Amy A. Bartol
The Mayfair Moon (The Darkwoods Trilogy, #1)
Kindred (The Darkwoods Trilogy, #2) by J.A. Redmerski
Cartea mea prefera pe care am citit-o in aceasta luna este Tempest by Julie Cross.
Acum citesc Hollowed by Kelley York.
Am adaugat o noua sectiune la blog prin care va spun ce am citit in fiecare luna ,cartea preferata din accea luna si ce citesc momentan.
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